S1 E23- Being Savvy with your Money Starts Here and Now with Lisa Chastain

In this episode of "Women Behind the Millions," host Jessica Weaver interviews guest Lisa Chastain, a financial coach and mentor. Lisa shares her journey as a business owner and the overwhelming nature of decision-making. She emphasizes the importance of having professionals to guide financial management and the significance of support. Lisa discusses her mission to empower women, particularly millennials, in building wealth and managing their finances, challenging traditional mindsets along the way. Lisa talks about how through open and frequent conversations she aims to create a supportive community where women can thrive and feel confident in their financial pursuits.


  • They discuss the importance of surrounding oneself with professionals and being authentic in managing finances and making long-term business decisions.

  • There is power in demanding worth, being financially savvy, and having open conversations about money to create positive change in communities.

  • Lisa discusses her journey of going from mentoring and supporting young women to becoming a money coach and helping them build wealth and manage their finances.

  • They also discuss the need for women to challenge traditional mindsets, educate themselves about money, and create a supportive community for open conversations about finances.

Contact Our Guest:

Website: https://lisachastain.com/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/savvymoneywithlisa/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisachastain/

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Jessica Weaver 0:02

Hello money queens and listeners Welcome to women behind the millions we have my dear dear friend, she's a sister to me, Lisa Chastain on with us today. She I've known her for six years now. We started building our brands about the same time side by side, we've been huge supporters of one another. Lisa is the creator of real money radio show, and podcast. She is an international best selling author of Girl, get your shit together. Hold on, for those of you who are watching look what I got the beautiful Lisa right here. This is an incredible book. She also is the leader and founder of her own firm, she was an advisor, switched gears. She has been a money coach for several years now you'll see her on Oprah, Forbes, Entrepreneur. She is all over the press and media because of what she's been doing. She is a trailblazer. She is a pioneer in this space. So thank you so much, Lisa, for being on the show with us today.

Lisa Chastain 1:05

I'm so excited and grateful to be here Jess I just love spending time with you.

Jessica Weaver 1:08

Oh same, same. We met about six years ago, pre babies for me. So I think you've been a part of this huge journey of myself. We were accountability buddies together for several months. And I still I always know you have my back and our ladies backs. So thank you for being such a huge supporter of us.

Speaker 2 1:30

Yeah, we always say this right Jess? We can't do it alone. We shouldn't do it alone.

Jessica Weaver 1:35

No and that's exactly what we want to talk about today. How you, especially you, Lisa, are changing the financial landscape for the next generation of women, as they come into wealth are building their wealth, want to welcome wealth into their lives. Because you do focus a lot with millennial women. How did you fall into that niche? It's such a cool space to be in.

Speaker 2 1:59

Yeah, well, so I'm the baby in my family. And I've spent a lot of time thinking about this, because it's only seven, eight years later that I get how this all happened. But being the baby, I always wanted to be a big sister. And I take that role on a lot with the women that are in my life. When I started my company, you know my story I was I was a financial advisor, and I really wasn't doing I wasn't very successful, I was really struggling, which is where I found our mentor Robin at that time. And I left the industry intentionally because I wanted to work with women, millennial women, women in their 20s and 30s. And I was pretty much I had the limiting belief that I wasn't gonna be able to make any money doing that as an advisor.

Jessica Weaver 2:48

That is what our industry tells you. If you work with new people just starting out of college, you there's all sorts of minimums, you're not going to make money. And this is where a lot of people focus, we don't care. We want to help who we want to help.

Lisa Chastain 3:03

That's right. I want to help who I want to help and don't tell me I can't do something. I don't like like it when my husband tells me not to do something. Right.

Jessica Weaver 3:12

It's just gonna fuel your fire to keep going.

Lisa Chastain 3:15

That's it. So I left I left my financial advising firm, and at that time, which is really interesting. So rewind to 2016. We're in 2023 now. In 2016, I had never heard the term money coach.

Jessica Weaver 3:28


Lisa Chastain 3:29

I didn't even know being in the money industry that there was such a thing as a money coach.

Jessica Weaver 3:34

Yes, no, very true. You're right. I didn't hear that term either.

Speaker 2 3:38

So when I when I heard that, that was actually a thing. I was like, Oh, I'm in. I'm in. And as soon as I jumped and leapt out and started telling people that I was going to do money coaching. The women that were coming forward asking for coaching were women who were about 10 years younger than me 20s and 30s, at the time asking for guidance and wanting to know what to do with their money and talk about their money struggles and talk about how to build wealth. So that's how it all started was that that's who was coming to me anyway, for support and wanting to be that bigger sister and guidance. So I was like, Yeah, let's do this.

Jessica Weaver 4:11

I feel it's a breadcrumb trail that God leaves when you start to pick up on who's coming to you easily and quickly. Like oh, breadcrumb, alright, I'm on the right path. I'm on the right way. God's giving me clues because it shouldn't when we're in the right place. And you talk about authenticity a lot. When you are in the right place, living your purpose. It shouldn't be more work. It shouldn't be more effort. It should almost feel effortless because you're just having so much fun doing it and enjoying the people you're surrounding yourself with. That's a big risk, though. To switch gears going from an advisor to a money Coach, did it take some time to make that decision, to process it?

Speaker 2 4:53

I was so I was so frustrated with where I was at. I wasn't making a whole lot of money any way. So really at that time, and you know, you know what I had gone through in those few years of us getting to know each other, like going through divorce, I really had nothing to lose. So at that time, I was like, why not? Because I'm, I'm essentially failing right now anyway, so why not?

Jessica Weaver 5:17

This isn't working, I'm miserable. This isn't working, why not pivot? And you're amazing at pivoting and to keep switching gears to see what is going to work, right. That's incredible. We talk about the box a lot here. And I feel the financial industry does try to confine us into this box of how they want us to operate. We said you know who they want us to work with. And for you, it was just completely tossing out that box, ripping it through, and there's a whole new world for you to be able to play in. Yeah. And to see. I can definitely tell that mothering nurturing side of you that big sister, once you said that it clicked to me and why you created this community. Can you talk about the community that you've built for these women, these millennial women?

Speaker 2 6:09

Yeah, so having been through my own money struggles, and also not being raised around a lot of money. My dad's a blue collar guy, he was a stagehand. We, we never, we always had our needs met, but never more than that growing up. So there weren't any conversations about money, or how to build wealth or investing. And my I know, my dad did, he did dabble in mutual funds in different things. But I caught that, like, on the outside looking in, versus anybody in my family really having actual conversation with me about money. And my my failure, my financial failures in my 20s and 30s were very isolating, because there was no one for me to go to in my family, who could role model or mentor or support me. And there weren't any women in my life, that were talking about money.

Jessica Weaver 7:06

It's very hard. I remember that too, finding those mentors who are women that you can talk to. I remember starting out in the industry, and I would call successful female advisors for help. And they wouldn't have the time of day for me. I guess they thought I was a potential threat. I'm like you're just alienating more yourself and more and more women. So I can relate to that a lot. So you didn't have anybody that you can talk to about it. And money already can make you can feel judged, shameful, embarrassed, like a failure, right, as you said.

Speaker 2 7:35

And I want to I became a financial adviser because I wanted to make a lot of money. It was like a match. I was like, I love mentoring and coaching people. And I want to make a lot of money. So I can, I could see that I could see the potential in the industry and in the career, I just couldn't figure out and find the people who were going to help me figure it out. And that was that I think that's, you know, Jess why I believe that your firm is taking off and your brand is taking off is that you're saying hey, come work with me, I'm gonna help you thrive. We're all gonna thrive together. And I see that with money coaching, too. It's like, there's no reason that we can't all jump in, dive in and grow and become millionaires.

Jessica Weaver 8:29

Yes, there's so much money out there for all of us. There's so so much money out there. So you took a stance and pioneered and built a community to fully support it. And I love the idea of the community because we go to school, it's a social setting the entire time, we're learning from the teacher, from our peers, maybe there's an aide that takes you out of the classroom, or gives you extra support here and there. I don't see why we can't have the same thing when it comes to our money. Yeah, if we learn so well in a social environment. Why not just apply that?

Speaker 2 9:02

Yeah, and I got off topic. So let me land the plane there. Because you asked me about my community. And then I like went off on this tangent. Um, what I love so much about my community is that we are an open, honest place to be where you're at financially. And so one of the first things that we teach our clients to do because this isn't you would think you and me having been in the money industry, right, that this would be common sense. But I never tracked my net worth until I got into the money industry. I didn't know what my net worth was. So one of the first exercises we do in my world is I teach women how to track their net worth. And that's really scary. Because there's so much judgment and shame around what we have or what we don't have. And so in my community, I'm like, listen, we're going to talk about money and we're going to talk about money a lot, because everybody learns in different ways. And if you're not having active conversation about it, how are you actually learning how to apply it in your own life and make sense of it in your world and renegotiate relationships and be honest with yourself about what you really do want in your life. And women like you said, we were born to be together, we are DNA as women, we're born to have community. Now, as we become trailblazers in the world, in business and finance, we have to work together to get there.

Jessica Weaver 10:23

Yes, you brought up having conversations around money, and elevating those conversations around money. And I think that is key to this. As you said, growing up, there wasn't a conversation about money, because there wasn't any extra money to talk about. You wake up, you earn your money, and then you pay your bills, and if there's nothing extra then why bring it up? You're just living to work and pay your bills. So then how do you figure out how to have extra? And then what do you do with that extra money? And I hear from so many women, I have a dumb question, or I just don't know who to talk to about these things. And even if you are married, or in a relationship, your spouse might not know any better, or they're trying to figure it out themselves. as well. This is huge being able to have that community, how often do you meet and I know I've been a guest speaker, you have different people coming in, different experts to come present. What is the community setup like?

Speaker 2 11:21

So we have, we have frequent calls, because I want to, I want to be top of mind for every woman that's in our community. Because with money in particular, we can live our life for a certain amount of time and not think about our money, typically paycheck to paycheck, right? You get paid. And then you can live for another week or so. And then you're in another conversation about money. So we actually have weekly touch points. We're, we're transitioning into a new conversation, we're gonna call it the Savvy Money University. So it's been savvy. And with the university, we're , yeah, we're, it's like, it's cool that it's cool to come learn about money, and that we have faculty like you Jess that come in and teach. Because you've got to, you've got to have the ability to know your money. So we teach how to look at your money, how to track your money, because that's a skill that's not necessarily taught. And then from there, we're like, let's level up, let's keep learning about money, master your own money. And then let's bring in different experts throughout the course of the month that you can learn from mindset, and actual financial expertise, like financial advisors, cryptocurrency, all the things about money. So we, we provide a platform where a woman can plug in and literally weekly, be connected to us.

Jessica Weaver 12:36

That structure is huge. And I think some people think structure is a little restrictive, but to me, structure gives you more freedom. Right? The more structured you are, disciplined, the more freedom you're gonna have. And the less guilt, shame, you're gonna feel that second guessing yourself. I love that somebody can grow and mature through the program, and that there's always a next stage because let me tell you, even myself, the mindset is a daily practice. It's a daily practice that I need to constantly be on check with. And not only myself, but our entire team because I know if one of somebody on my team isn't doing well, they have a scarcity piece in their mindset, its going to take us all down or pause our growth. It is a daily thing. So it's not a one and done kind of thing.

Speaker 2 13:28

No, it's not. And I had a I have another expert in my world. Her name's Danna. She's also a financial advisor. And she had done an audit of all of her ultra high net worth clients. And she had interviewed all of them, and asked, you know, what, what did they do? They were all self made. So they didn't inherit their wealth, self made ultra high net worth individuals. And the one thing they all had in common is that they spend anywhere from 20 to 30 hours a month on their money.

Jessica Weaver 13:55

Wow, that's impressive. What a fascinating study, she probably learned so much. I heard she's writing a book about it, because that would be very powerful book to read.

Speaker 2 14:05

It would, right? It's like, what did you do to create the wealth that you have? And so in my world, even though you may not have the knowledge yet, because women we want to, we want to feel educated, we want to feel like we know, you can spend your whole life getting educated and still not take action? Yes. So with having those weekly touchpoints and having conferences and having continued conversation and having a whatsapp chat, I'm getting them closer to that 20 to 30. Because it's like, well, what would I focus on for 20 to 30 hours a month? Well, let me baby step you into that. Yes, and let's just make it a daily a part of your regular routine. And then all of a sudden, it's five hours or 10 hours and you know where to focus and how to focus so that when you do have money in a portfolio, or when you do have savings going in certain ways, you know what you're tracking toward, so it's just it that's why I'm like just come spend time with us. Let's just start there.

Jessica Weaver 15:00

It's very sustainable as you're building it in, it's creating a whole new habit.

Lisa Chastain 15:05

That's right.

Jessica Weaver 15:05

It's creating a whole new habit. It's like learning a new new muscle or a new skill. And that you're piecing it in step by step is huge. I love that approach. It's like when we started saving money, we had to chunk money aside into savings all at once. Like, let's just start getting comfortable and familiar with saving money. And let's build it from there. You're right. So that's a lot of hours to spend on your money. But money is a business, you should treat it like a business. It runs our entire life, it's what's going to support our entire retirement. That's incredible. I'm trying to think of how much time I spend on mine and that's a good check in point for everybody who's listening now. I'm curious, Lisa, for you, what's been the biggest mindset shift for you as you step into this role, as a leader in the industry and expert building out your community, your platform?

Speaker 2 16:00

You know, the people part is really easy for me. So I'm just people centered, and getting people together and having great conversations is something that I'm naturally trending toward. Not having been raised around money, having shame conversations for myself about money, even to this day, my mom has, you know, gratefully, she's still alive and hearing her say certain things about wealthy people understanding that that was my programming growing up, like you don't need money to be happy.

Jessica Weaver 16:29


Speaker 2 16:30

You know, I have to every point along the way, confront my own limiting beliefs about money. And a lot of them are unconscious. And it's not until they're staring me in the face, I realized, like, dang it, there's another one. So to go from six figures, to multiple six figures, to now working toward building a million dollar business, I have to constantly confront the things that are getting in my own way to be able to get to the next level. And I have to continue to learn about money. Because every every new level, there's a new learning. And so that's for me, as a business owner, and growing my own personal wealth. I'm constantly tracking my net worth, I'm having conversations with my financial advisors, I want to make sure I'm saving in the right places. But I also want to make sure I'm investing in my business like it's a lot to think about.

Jessica Weaver 17:20

Yes, yes, it's very overwhelming if you don't have somebody, an expert, professional to talk to about it, especially as a business owner, you make so many decisions in a day. Oh my gosh, the decisions affect not just you, but your community, the people you're serving, your employees, your consultants, people you're paying as well, that has me like somebody, just please tell me where to put my money. I'm sick of deciding for myself. Yeah, having the professionals is a huge support. And I tend to be a trial and error learner. I really like to learn hands on for it. You don't want to always do that with your money. Fail a few times, so then learn the right way. So having somebody that can just take that off my plate is huge.

Speaker 2 18:09

Yeah, agreed. I like I'm an embedded into the trial and error of business. But when I am saving money or investing money, I would like for someone else to have that it's a team approach. Have that eye on on it for me, right?

Jessica Weaver 18:24

Yes, that is a good point. And you're right you're sometimes as business owners, we really, there's so many expenses, but are they expenses or are they investments? And even that mindset switch is huge for you. What have been some of the hurdles you've had to overcome as a business owner?

Lisa Chastain 18:42

Oh, my gosh. Yeah. So the first two years, the hurdles were that nobody knew who I was. And nobody knew what money coaching was.

Jessica Weaver 18:53

So educating and finding your audience and educating them. I'm sure everyone can resonate with that.

Speaker 2 18:59

And I know you're a big proponent of I read one of your most recent blogs of making sure or it was maybe an article in a magazine, but it was about having seed money. Mm hmm. Right. I didn't have seed money as a business owner. Yeah. So I was like, I have to make money. How can I do that really fast. And so credit cards were my seed money.

Jessica Weaver 19:22

Yes, that happens so much for women. Same.

Speaker 2 19:25

So learning how to not do that. But also this next hurdle. And then of course, COVID, I was an events based business and then COVID shut that all down. So I had to pivot really fast. And then I had to rebuild. So we shut all my group programming down. I went to just private coaching. So different from the finance industry as a financial advisor. We don't have that reoccurring revenue, right? We're not managing a portfolio. That's been a big hurdle is how do I create a steady stream of income? And I'm constantly wanting to bring on new clients. So that's where I'm at now is how do I scale without that, quote, unquote, reoccurring revenue and in the finance industry and having the right programs charging the right like, those are all the things that I'm in the conversations about now. But then still having a healthy relationship with taking on business debt.

Jessica Weaver 20:19

You bring up a good point, because we recently just secured financing and somebody sent me a post and had such a good point. Poor people call loans as debt, wealthy people call it as leverage. That is so true, just how you're saying it to yourself, putting it on the spreadsheet specifying it, and completely change your mindset around it. But our industry says that's bad. Let's just say that's bad avoid it at all costs. But is that really the best option for everyone?

Speaker 2 20:54

Jess, I have studied a lot of businesses. So I I've had the privilege of being being in business coaching environments and teaching entrepreneurship. And when you look at how companies get started in America, many, many, many, many, many, many of the major companies that we know of today, took out government loans, substantial government loans. Tesla is a good example. And so for women talking about hurdles and trailblazing, we have to be in a new conversation about leverage, and about risk.

Jessica Weaver 21:30

Yes, yes. And some the wealthy, wealthiest people, they won't even invest in their own company. They're like, why am I going to put my own money in? I'm going to spend down other people's money first. Oh, yeah. But how many women would we feel guilty doing that? Like, I get my own skin in the game, I have to support it first. And then we feel bad that we're spending the household money. I'm sure we could have a whole episode just on this, this topic.

Speaker 2 21:58

But talking about trailblazing and hurdles, I'm, I'm, I'm on this podcast, I have my own podcast- Real Money, to have this conversation openly and honestly. So that we can teach younger women that it's okay. And yes, you are going to make mistakes. And here's the here's mistakes that I've made, and you're not going to die. You're gonna I mean, like, literally, right? Like, it feels like it's life or death. And that doesn't always have to be the case.

Jessica Weaver 22:26

No, it doesn't. Yeah, having a healthy conversation about that. And there's, there's blocks there. There's mindset blocks that we need to shift and pivot as well, especially if you're going to grow. And I was talking to the gentleman who, whose office is right next to mine, and he was part of the business that's it was sold for 250 million. So he's kind of become one of my mentors, and I was talking about our financing loan, and it was, you know, a few, few $100,000. He's like, I know, at this stage, that seems like a lot of money. And I'm like, That seems like an enormous amount, right? Like it's not. And even getting over the mindset that 100,000 is a lot of money. 500,000 isn't a lot of money, because there's so much money out there. But I feel it's there's mindset blocks all over us.

Speaker 2 23:15

Totally, totally. And it's scarcity. That taking it out of the money context for me growing up, not poor, but definitely not wealthy, middle class, like hardcore middle class, today, even when I go buy my face lotion. Yes. I like want to hoard it. Because of like, well, when I run out, I'm not going to have money to buy more face lotion.

Jessica Weaver 23:39

You're like portioning it out.

Speaker 2 23:40

Right? So it's, it's from that grow right, you know, being raised, like, I don't know if I'm going to have the money. To now saying, I'm going to make sure that I do and I'm going to take the right steps, I'm gonna work and have the right conversation so that I know that I can repay my loan, and I'm making the right investments to grow. And yeah, it is. It's a totally different mindset. And for women, we have to continue to challenge that and be in community. To your point Jess where we can have those open, honest conversations.

Jessica Weaver 24:16

Yes. You bring up so many good points. How have you been able to take action? Because you mentioned making the right investments with the money, the seed money, the investments, the leverage, how have you been able to identify the right investments or the right next steps for you? Because you said you've had to pivot a lot. Mm hmm. That takes a lot of stress, risk, maneuvering those. How have you been able to kind of trust your intuition and gut?

Speaker 2 24:47

One, one thing is that I, what I've learned now, so where I'm taking my lessons from 2022 to 2023, and in 2022, I did I did throw some spaghetti at the wall. I did. Yeah, I hired people or brought people onto the team. Marketing is a huge expense for my company and there were certain investments that we made that didn't pan out. I had, I had an event over the summer, and we paid a lot of money like $17,000 for Facebook ads, and we didn't get a great turnout for the event. So I had to be willing to stomach that experience and that process. Because the reason I started my own business was because I wanted to do it on my own and learn and have that experience as an owner. That doesn't come without some of those moments where I'm like, well,

Jessica Weaver 25:43

That's part of the trailblazing role.

Speaker 2 25:47

Okay, that didn't work. What's next? So end of quarter, quarter, three, quarter four of last year, I really started mapping out and being really strategic, knowing what I know, from 2021 2022. Okay, I'm going to be a bit more streamlined here. I'm not going to spend so much here, Instagram is one of those things just to be transparent like I've poured a ton of money into Instagram. And I've gotten a very little return because you go to Instagram, like, Oh, look at all these influencers. It didn't work like that.

Jessica Weaver 26:22

Behind the scenes, Instagram, yes its a hot mess.

Speaker 2 26:25

It was very expensive. And I was like, I gotta I gotta switch gears. And I have to risk that, that I just poured a ton of money into this avenue. And I have to switch gears. And I gotta be okay with that, you know?

Jessica Weaver 26:38

Yes. And I, you're able to then teach other women and help them. So in a way you are going to make the money back, because that's part of your, your value. Where should you be focusing, learning the mapping, showing other people how to map it. Yeah, it's going to be a huge pillar to then show the next generation. So as trailblazers, yeah, we are going to make some costly mistakes here and there. And we learn from them and then we can save other women from having to make the same mistakes.

Speaker 2 27:08

Agreed. Where I feel most vulnerable is that we are experts, we are, quote, unquote, money experts. So to risk financial failure as a money expert is very vulnerable. Because we're not right, we're supposed to be the experts. We're not supposed to fail. But in business, you have to, like you said trial and error. Most businesses don't succeed. Yeah, statistically, right? There's a whole lot to learn. And there's a whole lot to know. And as a trailblazer, I just want to keep I want to keep paving the way for women to hear that you're going to screw up, you're going to make mistakes, and you can keep going and you can be stronger because of it.

Jessica Weaver 27:51

Yes. And the world is changing so quickly, so fast, that the the businesses that are failing are the ones that aren't pivoting quick enough and adjusting. And I do think that's a huge trait for women. We are very adaptable. We can be at home and poopy diapers, and then be on a conference, call the next minute and be able to switch gears like that. Right? That's a huge skill trait to be able to take into business and be able to switch because like you said, you were an event based business, COVID Hit, completely dismantled that you had to switch gears again and again. So it's going to happen Facebook ads was huge for so many businesses, that business changed. And businesses have to adapt as well. So sometimes the mistakes aren't even in our hands. It's just our external environments changing.

Speaker 2 28:41

That's right. That's right. There's no replacement for trust. So I've also one big lesson that I've learned is that I'm not going to go after the next gimmick, I'm not going to go after the next sales, you know, like sales thing. I'm gonna be solid in who I am and care for the people that I work with. And I'm going to show up and do my best and surround myself with other money experts. So you know, and you can't replace that authenticity and that ability to just care for people. So I've, I've, I've shied away from my business, maybe maybe for like that short term sale, I haven't been able to close, but for the long term of my business and for the trustworthiness of my brand, I'm just going to take the high road and do what's right for people. And that's not always easy either.

Jessica Weaver 29:32

Yes, I was gonna say when I see your business, what I think of is consistency, you are consistently showing up on social media, the camera, you're speaking it just eases me and relaxes me immediately when I hear you speak and also inspires me. Your authenticity, you're always vulnerable and always sharing, you're consistently vulnerable. And as you were just saying as well. What was the last point I wanted to make?

Lisa Chastain 30:03

Thankful for short for the short sighted stuff, Right?

Jessica Weaver 30:05

Yes, the long game, and I always hear God chirping in my ear, you're playing a longer game, you're playing a longer game. And I think as women, we're very relationship focused. And that is the long game. Because more and more people, they become your raving fans, they become your tribe, part of your community. And you can't replace that with money because there's so much more power behind the connections and the networking there as well. So I agree with you, I've always I feel my all our marketing efforts have always been the longer game and at some point, it's going to pay off.

Speaker 2 30:38

It will pay off. It will. And I think that's a lesson for all women. Here's my true belief. And I don't know how I think I'm sure this I'm sure this statistic has shifted, but I'm sure it hasn't shifted by much. And this was in 2017. It came from Women's Entrepreneurship day in which they're on a mission to basically solve poverty for women through entrepreneurship. And that statistic is that 90% of the world's wealth is earned by men.

Jessica Weaver 30:41

That is a gut punch, isn't it?

Lisa Chastain 31:10


Jessica Weaver 31:11

That's a reality check. Wow.

Speaker 3 31:14

Even if that's changed to 85% by now, five years later, six years later. Women, there's so much more out there for us. And I do believe and I know this in my heart that when women when we play the right game together, the world will benefit.

Jessica Weaver 31:32

Yes. Because even if you see that shifted by 10- 20%, year by year, the conversations are going to be changing. You know, the people in the office are going to be different. The people running the show are going to be different. And I know women there was one site that said women get back four times more, right? So just think of our communities how different they would be if we stepped up and demanded our worth, asked for our worth. And then started being savvy with our money on the back end how much we can change. What's going on around us. 90% of the wealth. Wow. I do I recently read women are a third of the millionaires. Hmm. A third of millionaires. There's a lot of room for us to grow. There's a huge potential there. So thank you, Lisa for being a trailblazer and pioneering the next generation of women and being a woman behind the million supporting the millionaire's the next generation of millionaires working everybody find you Lisa?

Speaker 3 32:33

The easiest way is just to go to my website, Lisa chastain.com. I've got a new book coming out. So keep an eye out for that this year. And Savvy money with Lisa on Instagram.

Jessica Weaver 32:43

Oh, that's amazing. And make sure you check out her show. It is amazing. I listen to it. It's weekly right it's live and then you can catch the recording as well. So check her out. She is a fantastic host. But thank you so much, Lisa for for being on here. Any last words for our listeners or viewers?

Speaker 3 33:00

Yeah, I just know any woman that's that's learning from you and growing with you. Jess is in the right place. So stick with Jess, she's gonna lead the way for you. And I'm just grateful to be a part of your community Jess.

Jessica Weaver 33:10

Thank you so much, Lisa. Thank you to all of our listeners. We'll see on the next woman behind the millions


S1 E24- How To Thrive In the Messy Middle with Veronica Rodgers


S1 E22- Healing Your Money Story is a Generational Gift and a Gift to Yourself, too with Allera Dawn