S1 E19- Revolutionary Leadership and Building Community with Maruxa Murphy
In this episode of Women Behind the Millions, host Jessica Weaver interviews Maruxa Murphy, CEO & Founder of Revolutionary Communities. Maruxa shares her inspiring journey and how the strong women in her life, including her mother and grandmother, shaped her perspective on leadership. Together, they discuss the importance of building intentional communities and the shift in societal expectations for women. They also delve into the power of embracing authenticity and tapping into our true selves to create meaningful connections and achieve greatness.
Maruxa discusses her grandmother's courageous escape from abuse that inspired her to say "yes" to her own life.
Maruxa's work in community experience design is changing the game in industries like travel, personal development, and coaching.
They stress the importance of building intentional communities in businesses to create a sense of belonging and foster loyalty.
She shares insights on shifting societal narratives to allow women to be fully aligned with all aspects of themselves, including motherhood and career
Contact Our Guest:
Join the Revolutionary Insider’s Club: https://revolutionarycommunities.com/ for free Revolutionary tips and resources to grow and expand your community.
Guest's Email: maruxa@createsellimpact.com
Jessica Weaver 0:02
Hello money Queens Hello, listeners. I am Jessica Weaver and wow do we have a show for you today. We're actually recording this on International Women's Day and it's such a timely talking topic. We are going to be talking about leadership, creating a revolution. Yes ladies creating a revolution, and also the communities, the culture, all of that goes hand in hand. So with us today, we are very excited for Meruxa Murphy, who is an award winning community experienced designer, strategist, entrepreneur, author and catalyst for change. I love that, who has been transforming communities in person and online since 2000. She leads a national and international initiatives with a deep understanding of the dynamics of how people connect and share information. She is further changing the game and community experience design while working in the travel business, personal development, parenting. Yes, parents are leaders as well, which is a little scary to me being a mother of two young kids, coaching industries, shifting how communities can be designed from the inside out to transform their industry from the core. So welcome Maruxa. Thank you so much for being on here, women behind the millions because you really are I mean, as women step up into leadership, right, no matter what the money is going to flow, and I do feel that women need this more than ever, stepping into leadership stepping into their power. So thank you so much for being on and sharing your time with us today.
Maruxa Murphy 1:38
Gosh, Jessica, it's a pleasure to be here. Truly, it is, this is one of my favorite topics. And I love that it's on International Women's Day that we're recording, because the truth is, this is why I rose up for myself, to create revolutionary communities to create leaders and to invite leaders to show up is, is because I saw some incredible beautiful women in my own life that had a lot of the a lot of the characteristics that it takes to be a leader at the same time, didn't have the know how to really create, bring that leadership into into voice. And from that voice leading them into, you know, expansion from both profits as well as lifestyle and opportunity. You know, so it is a pleasure to be here with you.
Jessica Weaver 2:26
Oh, man, I really dive right in just there. I, it's so easy for us to be able to see it in other people and other women, right? They have all the qualities, they just need a little push, a little umph, a little confidence. What is it? But watching the women who are around you.I want to know, were they feeling very unfulfilled or kind of blocked, or kind of torn between two different worlds, the world that they're familiar with and like, dreaming about what that next level could be if they fully stepped into leadership? What were they dealing with on an emotional level? Even I'm sure to finances as well.
Maruxa Murphy 3:05
Yeah, those are some really good questions. You know, I have to say that so I grew up in a huge home, my mom is one of 11. My grandmother was very busy being a mother primarily. We call her mumita And then, but I saw her find her way through a lot of a lot of choices that she made in her own life to shift and break generational patterns of abuse, violence, she left her family in Puerto Rico to move to New York at 19 years old, because her father had been married five times and there was so much abuse and so much violence. And so for her her brave action was saying hell yes to my life, to her own life, and at 19 made the leap from Puerto Rico to New York.
Jessica Weaver 3:55
Thats terrifying, but as terrifying as that journey is, staying home must have been even more terrifying.
Maruxa Murphy 4:01
Yeah, yeah. Yes, correct. Exactly. And the stories that she would share with us, which only actually showed up in the last three years of her life, because she just wanted to hide us from the pain that she went through, um really shifted me as a woman to realize, oh, my gosh, that's my DNA. And she raised out of those 11 children, seven of them are women. So I grew up in a very woman focused home, watching my aunts, watching my own mother choose to be both a mother and a working parent. But I always found that their struggle was well let's just put food on the table. Which obviously that's like, you know, Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It's like the number one right? It's like safety, like how do we protect ourselves, keep a home and create that sense of belonging within the home and so that was my mom, my aunt's my grandmother's story, my dad on my dad's side, my there my dad was from Spain. And his my so his mom's mom. So my great grandmother was the one of the first women in Spain to ever go to University College. So. So for me seeing another brave woman saying hell yes to her life in the time I, you know, obviously we take for granted, we can go to college at this point for many of us, right? I mean, not every family has that luxury, but for overall, it's like, oh, that's something we can aspire to being one of the first women can you imagine the kind of pressure?
Jessica Weaver 5:34
There's no example before you
Maruxa Murphy 5:35
No example before. So, choosing to say yes to that, you know, I think about I think about the constant struggle that she must have gone through to break those those stereotypes, those generational patterns of, you know, sitting in the kitchen, you know, cooking for the whole family. And she said, No, I want to use my brain in a different way. And what else is possible for me? And so that's kind of the you know, and I think a lot of those stories, really, yeah, those are the women that have been around me, and watching also, at the same time, especially on my mom's side, because that's the side I know more. Watching these women make the choice to be brave in the midst of their own cycles of abuse and their own cycles, of of repression, own cycles of lack of privilege, being multiracial women in the United States. And so, really looking at all of those, all those pieces, I think, have made me who I am today and really recognize and appreciate the life that I get to live today. Being here in the US.
Jessica Weaver 6:45
Those are some strong, empowering women. I love hearing the stories you write when you take for granted just going to colleges now, but being that first one, and I can't even imagine what the bullies she probably dealt with showing us every day people. Like you don't belong here, or even her feeling that she didn't belong here, but sticking with it and, and going and showing up consistently. And breaking that because we see the patterns of abuse from generation to generation, if one generation is abused, most likely that next generation is. So for them to cut that chain for you, your siblings, children and grandchildren going forward. They kind of didn't realize what they were doing. But that was the ripple effect of that decision.
Maruxa Murphy 7:32
That's right.
Jessica Weaver 7:33
Huge. What has been your journey going into leadership? And now teaching others how to step into leadership? What has been kind of your career path, journey, if you want to call it?
Maruxa Murphy 7:46
Yeah, I appreciate that. You know, I didn't know that I was going to step into leadership. I thought leaders had to be CEOs of companies. When I was 18 years old, right? I was just being little me. I went to college here in Orlando, Florida at Rollins College, private liberal arts college. And the long the short of it was being someone who's multiracial. The first, literally the first experience I had on the campus was one of you don't belong here. This is not your school. This is our school. And so my gut instinct was like You don't tell me what to do. And that was
Jessica Weaver 8:26
You told me no, I'm going to find a way.
Maruxa Murphy 8:30
So I've found myself in this place Jessica, where I really was determined to figure out how do we create a space a space of belonging here for all people, for all people? And how does that and in that journey, I started to realize, like, oh, I have a voice that really matters. And I can also really inspire others into their own voice into what really matters for them as well. So the long and the short of it was I learned that, hey, leaders don't have to look like a certain way. Every one of us is a leader. And from there, I really started developing my own body of work around around individuals who wanted to raise up awareness, consciousness, companies that were really positioned to be a little bit different than the rest. When everyone's zigging in their industry, how do we zag? And how do we stand in that in that profundity? That that strength, that courage to be able to lead well in those spaces. So that was my initial journey starting in 1998. Since then, I have led over 200 communities and companies
Jessica Weaver 9:42
200 That's a lot.
Maruxa Murphy 9:44
Yeah, as an advisor, as a mentor to these to these brands and these companies who are ready to be revolutionary in their space, to really be innovating to really bring that voice that often isn't heard in the industry and bring that to the to the forefront of the conversation. Those that has allowed me to see these companies go from oftentimes vision, just plain vision, or maybe a starter community like we knew we wanted to gather people, to then generating six to nine figures in revenue in their companies because of how I held that space in that leadership for them. And I love it. I love it feels like play for me to be able to partner and align in with brands who are really doing some incredible good in the world and want to create that expansion in a more transformative way than they often than they often do. You know. So I've had the pleasure now to work with what I call the small but mighty communities of like 250 people, really small intimate cohort of humans, that then turn that into consistent six figure incomes for my clients, all the way through my some of my more recent clients, which is a company called Kajabi, in the online space, over 60,000 paid members and so we're working on how do we deepen the relationship with our clients. Another community that I'm currently I've been currently working on over the last little bit is with a company that has a program called the erotic blueprints it's kind of like the five love languages but for eroticism, and yeah, they they were on on Netflix's sex love and goop recently.
Did you see that show? It's such a good show.
Jessica Weaver 11:29
I haven't seen that episode. But I Yes, that is a very good show.
Maruxa Murphy 11:33
Yeah, so the so the first two in the first two episodes, there are sexologists that are there. Who are the creators that are the erotic blueprints, right. And so they knew that because the show was going to air it was going to grow. So I was there to support them to go from 100,000 people in their community to over a million and really take them into the process of how do you hold, how the heck do we hold a million humans in a community primarily online in their in their case? So that's, that's the work that I do in a nutshell and how leadership really plays into that. And where where it came from.
Jessica Weaver 12:09
Now, everybody who's listening knows why we had to have her on women behind the millions, because we're showing up we're trying to disrupt and dismantle the financial industry for women. So having you on is such alignment with everything that we're doing, and we're pushing forth, you brought up, really you said relationships a lot. And it just connected to me how much a leadership is all about relationships. And there's these myths that women aren't good at sales. And we've said repeatedly on this show that, well, women are great at relationships, and sales is just a relationship. Same thing with leadership's I think women shy away from really stepping up, because we're going to be thought of as being a bitch, too bossy. All these different pieces, or we're scared about too much responsibility, or let's be honest, we're taking care of so much at home. Do we really want to take on more responsibility at work, as well? So do you see women shying away from that leadership role? And if so, how do you help women embrace it?
Maruxa Murphy 13:12
That's a great question. Yes, that's a really good question. I think I think our society really supports women to stay to stop risking, right? Overall, we don't we don't, we're not, the majority of us women are not given the story that it is possible to be both and and all. We're just not given that story. Now, when I get in
Jessica Weaver 13:36
I was given a story that I had to pick, right, my grandmother picked her career, my mom picked the family. Yes. So right away as a little girl, I'm like oh, you can't have both. If you're doing both, you're failing at one. You're consistently failing on one side of the spectrum. So you're right.
Maruxa Murphy 13:50
Yeah, exactly. So I think I think a big part of it is that we're given that message, right? And so we're ingrained, we're programmed. Whereas most men are not programmed that way. Most men are told, yeah, you can be a father and you can be in your business in your career. And you can do this and you can do that. And you can do that. Whatever, right? They're given this freedom, just by the story we're told from Little, little children. And so, for me, what I imagine is a world where we start shifting that story where we start reinventing, what does it look like to be a woman who is fully aligned in all of who she is? If she wants to be a mom, or she wants to be a badass, what like businesswoman like Hell, yes, she can be both. Why not? Why not? And we get to reinvent those conversations in our own mind. So a lot of times what I find is when I start working with clients, who are just getting started in their in their career, I'm actually meeting with one literally in like an hour which I'm so excited. She she has this really innovative way in which she wants to build out her Airbnb, but she's got those stories, right like I'm supposed to but I'm only supposed to have this job because my husband's career is like forefront on the forefront. And I and I think I
Jessica Weaver 15:07
We take a backseat in our careers a lot.
Maruxa Murphy 15:10
We do we do. And so what what would it look like if you didn't have to feel that way? How could you allow that that experience to feel into your body. So I do a lot of I have a master's in mental health, which I didn't mention before. But I bring in a lot of more experiential strategies to help us feel what we actually are imagining is possible for ourselves. And in doing that, what comes what often comes out is now we start to familiarize with the feeling of being these women that we really want to be and wants to become, and we start practicing the embodiment of that feeling, to the point where the next thing you know, they're like, Yeah, hubby, and I had this amazing conversation, we created a new system, a new rhythm a new routine for us to both thrive. And if we're both thriving, we're both flourishing, what else is possible? Right? And so that's typically where I find is that, yes, it's like a yes, that is this the way society is. And when a woman is ready, when she's ready to shift her story, that is the time that I can start to see her leadership start to expand in a way that we just haven't yet fully seen. That is ready, ready to come out.
Jessica Weaver 16:23
As you're talking about that feeling into stepping into leadership, I was picturing myself, you know, on stage and I think it'd be cool for all the listeners, watchers now, picture yourself leaving that conference room meeting with your whole team in your dream office space filled with Windows, bright light, whatever it is, or you know, being on stage, or, as you said, having that conversation with the hub's with your husband, feeling confident and secure, and what you bring to the table because it is powerful, and that there's going to be a shift in dynamic, right, your career doesn't have to be the backseat anymore. You can both be equals all over
Maruxa Murphy 17:02
Yeah. It's really, it's learning how to really capture who we really are. I mean, this is a little bit more. Usually, I don't actually share this on podcast, but I'd love to share this because it's popping through for me, it's like, it's really, I believe that there's something so much more, so much more to us than even our just our programming. There's, there's our soul. There's our beingness. Right? And oftentimes, you just keep it at this level of like, how, how much can I do? What does my ego want to tell me to do? You know, it's egos more driven, results oriented stuff that leads our conversations. And to be frank, if we only allow ourselves to be led from that, we find ourselves burning out, we find ourselves at a point a place completely, oftentimes shutting down, taking those dreams that are really feel really hard to work for and work with and create and stopping ourselves because our egos leading the conversation. So what I mean, I guess, yeah, and what I truly believe is that we gotta let the ego like do want to play it and be like, that's cute, honey, nice. I love that you want to you're making it harder than it needs to be. But the essence of who I am, the realness of who I am within myself, is actually what's going to move this beyond beyond the hard days. And beyond the hard conversations and beyond the fear, right? It's the being of the person of each of us. That is beautiful, like Wellspring, if you will, of all that is possible. We allow her to play man, you guys like this is that's who really? Yeah, that's how we create the millions.
Jessica Weaver 18:46
The revolution. Yeah, so this whole conversation is revolutionary, right? If we could have more of these conversations and get ourselves in more rooms with women like you and leaders, and if you don't have one, you be that person. And then you show your team, your community, your family, how to do it, as well, as you said, everybody is a leader. Or leading yesterday, we did an interview with a brand expert, and she said, everybody has a campaign. And you're right, there's always constant messages that we're putting out. And if we have a campaign, we we are a leader. What is that change we want to have in this world? So how do you start or spark a revolution being a leader? What does that take? That, to me is very exciting energy to play.
Maruxa Murphy 19:32
Well you know, it really actually starts with what we just shared. Right? It you know, in a nutshell, it's, it's this, it's this understanding that we are more than our actions. But the actions matter only when we're really aligned with the woman that we are. When we are aligned with women that what I'm talking about there is really knowing like, what the heck do you care about? What is it that you what is it that you what is it that matters so deeply to you that you're willing to be the woman behind the Millions? What is it that the what is it that you deeply, what are you deeply convicted by, in such a way that allows you to put that, you know, in those words of the of the other guests put that campaign together and go forward and lead? What is it within you that has such value, that if you were to if you were to die tomorrow, you know not to not to get morbid. But really, you would be so proud that you did that thing. Right? That's
Jessica Weaver 20:33
The legacy,
Maruxa Murphy 20:35
That is your legacy, right? That is a thing. And it's also it's in partnership with legacy, it's a thing that you really would truly choose to live your life for. Meaning, so for me, I build communities and the way in which I build communities and work with leaders, the way in which I work with leaders, because my legacy is to show my daughters, I have three of them, how to live a life that's fully aligned with purpose, with value and profitability, all to create more business for good, right? Like, I want them to see a woman doing that. So how do we how can so my that's my purpose, but here's the work I'm going to choose to do to help me make that purpose, my reality, right, and my daughter's reality. And so really, you know, recognizing, like, let's, let's bring these pieces together, looking at what are your core values that are going to be so aligned in to the, to the revolution that you're wanting to create, to the, to becoming that difference maker, and the way in which you do the work, so that in which that people can feel you and know that you're different than everybody else in the industry, right? So you want to be looking at that first to start a revolution, then we move into what I call the three phases. The first phase is what I call the rumble. So the rumble, is really where we after we've already gotten aligned into our own leadership and our own way of fully being hell yes to our own dream and our vision and where we want to take this, where we want to take your leadership with our work, right? It's now then creating that rumble, creating starting to put that message out there in the world testing your message, sometimes the message doesn't land the way you thought it would, right. So playing with that, allowing people to be drawn in and back into your brand. Maybe this is where you start a podcast, maybe this is where you start putting stuff out on content out on LinkedIn, or Instagram or Tiktok even, right? We're starting to see like what is resonating with people in such a way that it's starting to create this rumble, right?
Jessica Weaver 22:42
The spark in everybody that they want to now take action with you.
Maruxa Murphy 22:46
Right. And really, at that point, our our number one objective is to start growing an audience of people that that are getting to understand our voice, getting to understand our values, getting to understand the vision of where we're wanting to go. And then wanting to lean in a little bit more, right and start following your body of work, start following your your message, start following your your content, and start allowing you to nurture those relationships in such a way that that it we're now ready for the next phase, which is what I call the groundswell right. So phase number two is the groundswell This is the groundswell is a term that really starts when that started, because of the beautiful oceans that we we have around us. It really is a term that's often used in community organizing and growing and growing communities or revolutions from from the ground up. But it really started from this idea that you know, underneath, if we could imagine for a minute there are little tremors on the planet, which we know there are obviously, but it happens under the seafloor right under the ocean. So what happens is when that happens, basically the rumble from those tremors, create masses of waves that then move closer into the ocean. Okay, create big bigger waves, right? So surfers love these types of waves because they can they can, you know, surf them and then they're like, these are the famous waves that we always hear about in the surfing world. So we want to be able to create that same kind of energy, that same movement from the rumble and then use all of the things that we've been designing our message around to then bring people forward into through the groundswell experience and and want to really deepen their, their own transformation with each of us with us as their leader as their mentor their guide into that next phase, right. So to create a revolution, we need to create groundswell and to do that. And some of the elements that typically are in this groundswell experience are creating partnerships, building relationships very intentionally with others who are who have that audience that are similar to yours, and everybody now can start moving closer to what it is the intended, you know, outcome for the company, right? Yes. So you start to see these, when brands start to create partnerships with other brands all the time, and they're cross promoting their audiences. And, and therefore we're now creating this gorgeous groundswell. Everybody's winning, everyone's growing. And then this, yeah, there's this, there's this experience that also happens within the community that's been that's deepening and really getting to know your company. What happens at that point is, you're you're creating what I call culture shift, right? Because again, we work with to be revolutionary, you have to have an idea that maybe is even even just 5% different than everybody else's in your space. Right? So we're looking at what is that 5% difference. And we're now bringing people into that and people are starting to like understand that messaging and really get it and they're nodding their head, and they're leaning in, they're wanting more and more and more. Then what you're creating is massive cultural shift, in the long term, with long term relationships. So it's a really, really powerful thing. That is into phase three, which is the expanse. And that's really when you start to take over your industry. And that's also fun.
Jessica Weaver 26:24
Oh, my God, every step of that I was like- yes, yes, we need that, we need that. But breaking it down, as you said, and using those analogies is so insightful, so helpful, that you can see and you said, those strategic partners, and really being intentional with where you're spending your time, what relationships you're building. That's incredible. And all along, it sounds very similar to niche marketing, right? Diving into, you know, who is your audience, but then that next step of bringing in other people of the same audience or similar demographics that they're working with, partnering, and then total takeover. That last piece, that's incredible. And it sounds all along that you're doing, you're building a community.
Maruxa Murphy 27:15
That's it. I mean, that's that each
Jessica Weaver 27:16
It seems that you're solidifying and expanding your community, each one and they're buying into your mission. Yeah. How important is community now, given after the pandemic, having such a virtual digital world? And it seems with each generation, right, from the millennials to Gen Z to what's the next gen, I think they call them the Alpha generation. Okay, technology is more and more. Right, the two years olds how to work the iPad better than the the baby boomer grandparents. How important is community?
Maruxa Murphy 27:51
Yeah, I truly believe that the pandemic was the perfect catalyst to remind us about human connection and how important it is, right? Whether it's because we lost loved ones, and we weren't able to be there in the hospital rooms with them. Or it was because we were isolated in our own homes. And we felt like people that just live five miles away, were now 500 miles away. Or it was just because we were alone. And we've realized even the most introverted of us need human touch, human connection on a regular basis. We know now that connection is everything. And so while we while I mean I'm a I'm one to study trends for a very long amount of time, while back in 2017, when Mark Zuckerberg actually Mark Zuckerberg, in his head of communications came to me when I was living in Austin, Texas and asked me how the heck I was growing my Austin mom's network community as fast and as engaged as I was. It's a community that I built over there that has now over 25,000 Women in it, and has partnerships, speaking of partnerships has partnerships with the City of Austin, with local grocery chains and nonprofits to support moms in need, at any given point. And it started as a Facebook group, right? Mark Zuckerberg at that point said the next 10 to 15 years are going to be all about community. And what so that's why we want to know you, Maruxa, because what the heck are you doing? How are you doing this, tell us their secrets kind of thing. And so we ended up doing a block party on the streets of Austin, Texas and bring up all bring together all these incredible moms for Mother's Day and pamper them and love on them. But what I started to realize even I mean that was obviously pre pandemic, what I started realize is that we just we literally quickened the timeline of how we needed communities to be at the forefront of every conversation. So during the pandemic itself, actually, I gave away everything I did for free for the first three months of the pandemic. And I was just like, who needs to know how to build community online because we all need this right now. And we and so many of the live events were closing and all that stuff. And so in that process I found, I found that there are so the community really is, is our heartbeat. As a world, it is what it is bringing us together, we have now we're learning, we're innovating at another level of time, like in such a massive, fast paced experience right now, between seeing what's in the AI space, all the technology that grew up because of the pandemic, like tick tock was like, a thing overnight because of the pandemic, right. Yeah. And, and start to figure out, like, how do we do this well? And it's, it's the first time I was, you know, at this point, I'm like, building out meta verses for clients with clients, you know, designing these incredible, like wild experiences. And I say all that to say, like, if we, if we, as companies are not choosing to create true, intentional community, for the companies that were, that we're serving, our people are going to go elsewhere. Because we now have already, we're now at a point in our culture, where we're expecting. We're expecting a relationship with those who serve us, whether it's through physical products, through services, or you know, or whatnot. And so we have this expectation of transparency, expectation of honesty, expectation of good quality service, or else guess what we're gonna do, we're gonna review them. And we're gonna let them know, and tell the world Yeah, right. So those of us who are building companies and have not yet gotten on the train of building a community, it's now. Because those who are doing that now are going to be the grandmothers, and the grandfathers of community design, or community creation and bringing these people together. In the next 10 years, we're going to feel like we're the grandparents, okay. And I think if we're not doing that, now, we're going to really find ourselves in a place where our people are gonna go find it elsewhere, because we care that much about it at this time.
Jessica Weaver 32:06
Yes, that sense of belonging, that everybody just wants that sense. And I probably goes all the way back to that school, the first time on the playground, and somebody didn't want to play with you. And that a little insecurity pops in there. And that sense of belonging is so important. That's amazing. Everything, you're just going over and you're right, we are just going to expect it. I know for me, if I'm calling any type of company, and it's a one 800 Number, and I have to go through 10 different menus to get to the person that I want talk with. And that's what we tell our clients, you have us, right? If you just call us, you're getting a person on the other side of the phone, you're not going to have to get some weird recording and it's going to take you two hours on hold to make any any movement forward with it. You just call us and it's so important to have that that connection. I'm curious how leadership styles have changed through the years. And I don't know, for me, and it probably goes back to the stories that we we spoke about in the beginning of that there's a certain kind of leader, right, and if I don't fit that mold, then I can't, I can't be a leader. But that has to change, you know, even just going from you're running a boardroom conference room, and now you're running a zoom call and everybody's at home, and they're a lot more dressed down. It's a different dynamic, a different work environment, community environment than ever before.
Maruxa Murphy 33:37
Right. Yeah, totally. I 100% believe that. You're You're right, those those observations are incredibly, incredibly correct. Right, like, leaders and leadership right now is in this interesting shift. Because a lot of like, in especially in more corporate settings, leadership tends to still be the boomers, you know, generation, the generation X. And so those generations were really, especially the boomer generation has was raised, the baby boomers were raised in this in this era of hierarchy. Right. And so, that, in that, and being that that's what they saw, there's no I don't even see it as a fault of their own. It's just how they their programming, going back to the conversation on programming. Right. So that's what they saw. So that's what they expected, just like I thought as an 18 year old, like, oh, that's what a leader is. It's somebody who's a CEO of a company or at least a manager, you know, Branch Manager for a bank, for example, that could be a leader I guess. Right. But but the truth is, is that again, we're we're expecting we as a world as a culture in the United States are expecting a very, very different type of service and connection with with our within with it. To be just to be a part of this culture and to be like a thriving member of the culture, which is not a bad thing, but because of that it has really evolved. And now that more, you know, the Gen X, and millennials are now taking on leadership roles. They're bringing in much more of that humaneness into into leadership. So for those any any baby boomers that are listening, please know I'm not saying that you're all a one way. But you know, as as a as a as a generality that is what we're seeing over these generations. So it makes sense, right, that we as as a world are starting to evolve the way in which we're doing, we're doing leadership. And think in some way, in many ways, thank goodness, because what we're starting to see is that individuals are able to shine in all of their genius and all of the essence, as we talked about earlier, and all of their beauty. It doesn't matter If you're just starting at the in your job, or you are a manager or a VP of a company, or you know, in the C suite, it doesn't really matter. And so we are starting to see that shift. One of the things I talk a lot about is that we need to remember that we're all heartbeats in the room. We're not just numbers. So when we when we speak to one another, when we have even and we have deadlines, let's imagine we're right now, you know, trying to trying to hit a deadline. And we have to, you know, reach these many sales calls, like let's say 50 sales calls by the end of the month, that it's easy for us to forget that the people on the other side of those sales calls are human, right? And so how can we keep reminding ourselves and be present with the recognition that every single one of these beautiful beings is a heartbeat, which means they have curiosity, they have loves, they have things they really hate, actually, they have things that make them so intrigued. And at the same time, they're like super anxious about certain things in their lives as well. Right? When we really see them in all of that and we can we can be present to that, and the fact that we also have those same feelings within each of us. How can that change? How can that change our relationship with the beautiful humans that we get to serve? Oh, I often see say it as you know, I believe whether it's God or the divine or higher power, that we are all created from the image of a divine of some something divine something. So when we look at someone's eyes that are right here in front of us, we get to be in that did we get to be in that reverence and hold that person with a sense of dignity, as if we're looking into the eyes of the creator of our divine creator, Right? Yeah. How would that change relationships? How does that change conversation? When we're building these beautiful revolutions that we're building.
Jessica Weaver 37:51
Yeah, you're bringing back that human that heart touch, to any type of relationship- sales, energetic exchange, even leadership. And you said it before, getting rid of the egos, which might force us to be a little bit more pushy than we usually are, or our insecurities are heightened, all that, so I love that being. Yeah, heart, so what would you call it, heart centered, Soul centered? Yeah, adding, there's more than just that human touch back to it. But I think this is a beautiful way to start to wrap up our podcast ending on that, you know, remember that that person who is on the other side of the phone, the Zoom call, how can you have that connection, even in this virtual space, and that builds and deepens the trust, the faith of that relationship. Because if there isn't a trust in the relationship, it's not going to go very far, unfortunately. So how can you hold that space for them and that's what all of our advisors try to do it and you said it so beautifully, is to hold that space for our clients to not feel judged, or intimidated or overwhelmed or stressed, but to just be who they are show up as they are. And we're just here to help and to serve. Is there anything Maruxa, that we didn't cover today? Because I feel like we went through a lot and I'm so excited about this episode, so anything that you want to make sure the listeners or readers, where they can find you, what the next steps I'm like, we need to have a whole team meeting about this after listening to make sure that we are partnering with the right people we are expanding we got our messaging down. But all that is so important. So taking the time and I that's what I would say to everybody who's listening, watching, carve out some time to listen to this, feel into it, see where your energy is, where your heart is, and what does that impact you want to have on this world, how you can step into leadership, who you can partner with and start expanding. Just take that time to visualize it. Feel into it. But do it. Don't tell me you have too much to do today. Don't tell me you don't have time for this because we are a creator of time. So if you make this a priority, you will get it done. So what about you Maruxa? Where can everybody find you?
Maruxa Murphy 40:14
So there's really two wonderful places to find me. The first is, as I mentioned, I give a lot of my stuff away for free. So I would love for everybody here to continue to learn about what it what it looks like to create a revolution. We have what we call, it's a newsletter, it's and we deliver it through email. It's called the revolutionary Insider's club, you can find it at revolute. Beam, thank you. And you can find it just simply at revolutionary communities.com. So definitely go there. And you'll be a place to sign up. If you want to do further work or really look at like how I can be of support to you and your company. Find me on LinkedIn, Maruxa Murphy, and I'm the only one. There's very few Maruxas in the world. So find me, send me a note when you're wanting to connect, and let me know that we met through this podcast. And what I'll do at that point is I'll send you my calendar, and we can have a conversation about what's next. And what else is possible. Or if you want to just follow my body of work on LinkedIn, feel free to follow me there or Instagram as well. Oh,
Jessica Weaver 41:22
I'm popping on your calendar. I know we're talking about before we even get started recording, connecting. You seem to have so many strategic partners, the companies, businesses that you've worked with, and just get in her world, ladies, because if anything, you're going to become a leader, you're going to start a revolution. And nobody is ever too small, too old, too late in the game, to become a leader or start a revolution. And I love that we are filming this on International Women's Day. What a perfect time to start embracing equity, shattering the glass ceiling and know that you already are a leader or you already are making an impact in this world. So thank you so much Maruxa for being on here with us and spending some time and thank you to our listeners for listening to another episode of women behind the millions. We'll see you on our next one.